Nemad Application

An application for registering complaints and giving suggestions with ratings for different private and public organizations in the city of Yazd.

  • Nemad is a smart management system for the city of Yazd that allows people to send their complaints, suggestions, experience and rating about managers and services in different organizations.

  • Github Repo: private for security purposes
  • You can check out the web version here:

About The Project

I was given the task to develop an Android application for the website Nemad is a smart management system for the city of Yazd that allows people to send their complaints, suggestions, experience and rating about managers and services in different organizations. This application is developed as a native Android application with Android Studio as IDE, Kotlin programming language with MySQL as database and Swagger API.


  • User registration with phone number verification. (OTP Verification)
  • Forgot Password with phone number verification.
  • User login via username/phone number and password
  • Splash Screen
  • Smart search for different categories and organization names that support nested queries.
  • Two repositories are used for fetching dynamic data
    • Repository for user-related data
    • Repository for requests
  • Bottom dialog for giving ratings and suggestions

Tech stack & Open-source libraries

This project is based on MVVM architecture, using the following tech stacks:

  • Jetpack
    • Lifecycle
    • View Binding
    • Navigation Component
    • Hilt
    • Retrofit
  • Glide
  • Coroutines

More Screenshots

drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing